I promised more Radiohead talk. This will be nigh incomprehensible if you haven't heard the album, and I suggest you skip it. Most of this was written during my 2nd listen through.
1. 15 Steps- What the hell? a drum machine? very odd. The guitar does not sound like them at all. Ooh. Now it does. Breakdown very, very Radiohead. Sounds Morrocan. And I don't know what that sounds like. When the bass kicks in... much better. I need some good headphones to listen to this on.
2. Bodysnatchers- holy crap thats heavy (for them). very upbeat. building...very bends-ish. wow. I really want to hear this live. This is my favorite song by them in 3 albums. more drums. the drummer must have complained. its ok, though. This could be the single- if they believe in singles anymore.
3. Nude- ok i know this song. I _think_ i might have heard it live. definately on a bootleg. it's all "motion picture soundtrack"-y now. nice baseline. very fat. they love the "angelic choir" sound. This is a very different version. much bigger. kind of winds down at the end. very nice.
4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi- Jazzy! sorta. instrumental? no. did thom go deep sea diving? oddly upbeat. that might be my two word review for the whole album. gets real quiet... i bet they kick it back in. that would be just like them. "eaten by the worms"? and then "weird fishes". wtf? and there's the kick-in. with a bass line. this sounds like punchup at a wedding. damn that's exactly what it is. but about fishes.
5. All I need- starts slow. perhaps this is where it slows down. very deep bass? or something. it would shake the house if i turned it up. this is a very simple song. verse chorus verse. i dont say that as a criticism. and now a solo. noisy end. this is the most "typical" song so far.
6. Faust Arp- Beatlesy? wtf? this is a strange one. he doesnt stop talk/singing. its good. just odd. very, very odd. and short. 2nd favorite so far.
7. Reckoner- ok this was a bside on something. it was very heavy. now its... it sounds like the first song. Moroccan. I guess. I already like it better than the other one. very classic radiohead. except they bought some new drum mikes or something. it's slower i think.
8. House of Cards- upbeat again (i'd say the last couple weren't as much). Odd harp thing looped with a guitar. Harp thing sounds like a whale in heat. Simple song. reminds me of the early stuff, actually. This could not have been on anything after the bends. its almost happy. well not the lyrics...the tone. another verse chorus verse. these guys are getting normal in their old age. Is that backup singers?
9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place- very upbeat start. Bends again. I know I'm repeating myself. I'm just surprised that it isn't all bleeps and blips. This is a very "normal" song. even the breakdown is normal. wow. this is a good one too. driving. kind of like "there, there".
10. videotape- piano. more simple. singing about heaven. slow. i got a feeling this isnt going to kick in. odd drum beat. sounds like a reel thats done rewinding, with the tape flapping. ever hear that? wow that's exactly what it sounds like. its getting faster but the piano isn't. now he's...slurring it? wow. really a beautiful song. good way to end it.
OVERALL- Loved it. most "friendly" album in 10 years. Surprisingly simple and direct. I can already tell that I like it better than Amnesiac and Hail To The Thief, neither of which grabbed me like the others. This one is focused, distilled into a syrupy honey flavored treat. I think their time as "the guys who made Creep and then went all weird" is ending, and now they'll be "the guys who made Creep and then got all weird and then released an album that only old people like" is beginning. And as I jump from Wilco playlist to this album, I am perfectly OK with it.
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6 years ago
excellent review. now all you need is a better rating system. 0 to 10 is so overused.
how about basing it on condiments? mayonnaise to ketchup?
this would be ketchup.
love this album, too. i give it a honey mustard rating. that should be even higher than ketchup on the condiment scale.
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