

DSC_3775, originally uploaded by ditchell.

The girl at work who gave me Maeby let me know that her birthday is December 28th. So here is her birthday portrait.

Maeby is sometimes a mean little cat who likes to bite and scratch for fun. But once you accept you're going to come out scathed, she's a blast. She and Koba get along pretty good- right now they're on my bed, sleeping. Waiting for me to go to bed so they can wake me up. They play fight pretty much every day until the old man gets tired of it and runs away. But all is well. It's boring just having one cat. And learning her little quirks is entertaining. My favorite thing about Maeby, and the thing that will probably kill me one day is that she loves to lay on steps. And if she sees you coming, stomping down the hall towards her, she doesn't move. You have to step over her. Cause that is HER step. How dare you even think of moving her? She has no fear of me or anyone else. It is VERY different from Koba.

I didn't do anything special for her birthday. I might devote a blog post to her, but come on, let's not take this cat thing too far.

In other news:


buy it. play it. I don't care who you are reading this, you'll enjoy it. They have a demo you can download if you don't believe me.



Worst things about Cincinnati:

1. The bitter, biting cold in my bones that only people who live in reasonable climates feel. Having John laugh at me because I was wearing 3 layers in his house (his frigid, frigid house) was not amusing.

2. "Let's not smoke in bars anymore" is not an unreasonable request. When it is 20 degrees outside, my opinion changes. No smoke in bars has also allowed more children to enjoy the healthy, uplifting bar environment. 

3.  All the good beer. Saturday was spent recovering from Friday. Drinking 6 high alcohol beers after 6 miller lites is a one way ticket to hangoveria. 

4. John lives in the damn burbs. I don't blame him. But its a drive.

5. HARD WATER. The only flaw in his house. I didn't really understand hard water. Now I do. It sucks. 

Best things about Cincinnati:

1. It's really not that far. 7 hours north.

2. Good beer. It is a double edged sword, that beer.

3. It's different. But not really. They still have sweet tea. And weird chili. 

4. United Dairy Farmers- Imagine a gas station that can make you the best milkshake you've ever tasted. And then imagine that gas station being every 200 yards in any direction. 

5. The best thing about Cincinnati is that it's right next to Newport, Kentucky. Cause that's where the Haufbrauhaus is. More later. I'm tired. 


Turner Gill - Speechless

go forward for the interview.

war eagle, coach. if i can't have leach, i can handle you.


Sad, really.

For some reason "Sad Guys on Trading Floors"


no longer makes me laugh. this makes me sad. 

but not on a trading floor.