

Yeah, that's a Nintendo 64 controller. I have always admired stoners' creative bongs. I remember a certain unnamed friend in college who had transformed a bottle of Mrs Butterworth's.

In other news, I'm sick as a dog. I've always thought that phrase was odd, and perhaps that's why I repeat it. I am a giant snot producing factory right now. It hit the night I bought Halo 3. One would assume, then, that this was an opportune time to get sick, skip some work, and get in some Halo.

Yeah that's what normal people do. Unfortunately, I have too much going on at work. That is a odd phrase from me, I know. I don't know how to explain it other than I actually want to go to work. I don't want to stay home and play Halo. Well, let's be honest, there is a part of me that would like that. But there's this almost alien realization I have that makes me want to do well, and actually enjoys working.

I know, very strange. I punched a timecard for a long time there, devoting only the amount of brain power required in order to get by. But something has occurred- I have actually been given responsibility. And people (strangely) listen to what I think. Yes, I know. It's insane. And this actually leads to me caring about it more. This is all very new. And perhaps it will fade.


Clan Hill said...

I like this blog just for the search words, "Bong, snot, work." silly

Anonymous said...

Her name was Mrs. Butterweed, wasn't it?

ditchell said...

indeed it was.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Retard, why don't you learn the definition of a bong!!! That is def. not a bong, more of a pipe, maybe a bubbler

Anonymous said...

i kno that dude!

Anonymous said...

I went to high school with that kid. small world.