
Trying to be funny

Today at work, it was dictated to me that I needed to come up with something funny.

It starts with
"Chris, step in here a second"

and ends with us trying to do something different advertising a morning show. I personally took over, becoming the arbiter of what was funny. My coworkers tried getting all elaborate. I simplified it down to words and phrases. Here is some of what I deemed funny:

1. Buoyant.
2. Dog Toupee
3. Truckload
4. "That's not in the Constitution"
5. Street Legal
6. Platypus

How these are going to work: Our morning crew sits around a table and someone asks if they saw that video we showed the day before, the response is something like "I didn't know couches were street legal". The End. Meant to be nonsensical and quirky. Hey, I want to watch that witty show.

Who knows if it will be any good (can they deliver the lines?). I did enjoy the latter half of work today, thinking hard about what I find funny and seeing if other agreed.

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