
The Vet

So I had to take my evil cat to the vet. Tricking him into the cat carrier was easier than anticipated, and watching the vet talk shit to my cat as Koba hissed at him was pretty funny. Koba was sitting there, ready to strike and the vet just tapped him on the head and said "You're not so tough" and Koba shut it down. It was over. Vet 1, Koba 0.

Before I got in, I got to experience the waiting room. Most interesting were the Pet People. The ones buying $100 worth of special dog food (a 2 week supply!) or the ones who sit next to me talking to their cat. In a baby voice. Now there's nothing wrong with talking to animals. But in public? with a baby voice?

The other moment I'd wish I'd had a camera for was when the vet stuck the thermometer up my cat's butt. The look on his face was priceless. I'd call it confused alarm/new sensation. He was happy to be home, and other than aging gracefully into a ornery bastard, perfectly fine.


Monica Gray said...

i .may. have squeezed in just a wee bit of baby talk to the baby kitty (hopefully amongst other adult-variety conversation, but it's hard to say) in the very public waiting room of southside animal hospital. i'm not proud of it. he was scared and very small and very pitifully crying.. and it just happened. this is my confession.

Katy C. said...

LMAO. Okay, this was just entirely too funny. I'm not a baby talk in the vet waiting room person. I'm more a "dear god, would you please stop yowling, you're embarrassing me" person. I refer to Bella of course. Piper is usually pretty content to just sit in my lap and take in the sights.