So I'm getting out of the company truck today and i step back. And theres a curb there. and my ankle goes sideways, and i land on my right knee.
and this basically happened 2 years ago, during disc golf. at least then there was a sweetgum ball to blame. this time there's nothing but sweet, sweet curb. i go get some alcohol (not the good kind) from engineering and pour it on my wound (which looks much worse than it is) and the engineer tells HR. The next 5 hours are spent in a Doc in a Box. Let's say, 30 minutes of treatment, 4.5 hours of boredness. Ipodless. DSless. Boredness.
My left foot is all kinda swollen to hell, and my right knee hates me. but nothing is broken. Thank you jebus.
I seem to like to have a good fall every now and then. I should look into learning how to land.
I don't really want sympathy or empathy. I'm just kind of pissed at gravity right now and needed to vent. I have way too much stuff going on at work for me to allow this to stop me in any way. It's very reminiscent of the accident in that it happens at the worst possible time. But you know, maybe there's a never a really good time for this.
Probably the worst part (and its I am sort of surprising myself by putting it out in internetland) is that above all, I'm embarassed. I am told that I put up a good front of being this allknowing asshole who never shows any weaknesses. Well to quote the Tick, Gravity is a harsh mistress. She is my achilles heel. Literally.
But thats not it. The worst part is that I did it. The accident, I can go to sleep at night thinking about that idiot in the minivan kareening down Montclair without a care to the world. But this, this is my doing. I could have parked in FOUR other places. I could have stepped up on the curb when i exited the vehicle- there was no reason to walk the narrow path between the vehicle and the curb.
(sorry for all the cursing. i try to keep this clean for some reason, but its just not working today.)
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6 years ago
you better get control of the falling thing or pretty soon we're going to have to hear about you breaking a hip
I hear practice makes perfect :)
rent a jackhammer.
go back to scene of the incident.
exact revenge on the curb.
an eye for an eye, my friend.
i like the cut of your jib, anonymous.
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