
No god no

It's coming. I can feel it.

The end of daylight savings time. It just makes me mad. No single thing makes me think I'm wasting my life in a windowless cave more than leaving work when it's dark. And now slowly, the days are getting shorter.

Part of the "remove crap from my house" initiative has begun. I removed all the lumbering hulks of dead computers from a closet- 5 towers in all. dead computers of Phil, John, my parents, and myself. Out of some sort of strange (for me) concern for others, I removed the hard drives from the stack and will find a way to properly smash them. Next up is the great book purge- If there's honestly no chance of me ever reading it again it will go. I remember when my friend Targus bought his first house- I was stunned at how empty it was. Now, I am jealous.


Katy C. said...

Let me know when you plan do to the great computer smashing. I have two that need to be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

I also loathe Daylight Savings Time. I'm tired enough as it is.

When you finish purging your house, would you like to come do mine? I'll pay you in Scotch...

Anonymous said...

where are you tossing your old electronics? i have lots of stuff that needs to go, too.

also, before you toss the harddrives, open them up and take the super-duper, powerful magnet out of each one. lots of fun.