I had a good weekend. I just sort of let go of all the angstitude and concentrated on the moment. I got some reader feedback that my blog reads like a gossip column. I take reader feedback pretty seriously- if you're actually taking the time to read the blog, then I should adjust. So now I will detail how to properly shotgun a beer...
I kid, I kid.
Actually if I were to keep score, then this weekend wasn't that great. But what's the use of that? I'm not even sure what measurement I could use for scorekeeping. World 16000, Ditchell 6. There. That's the running score. But those six points- I earned them. I guess.
The beerfest was a spectacular clusterfuck from the outside. Once inside it was fine. Post beerfest was an interesting night. It didn't go well but Sunday morning I didn't care. Something washed over me today. Maybe it was that hellish downpour, hail striking my windshield as I went to visit the parents. But I sort of recentered things. Fortunately such an extreme measure did not require peyote. And it wasn't a conscious decision. I didn't say to myself "OK stop this shit."
I just kind of felt it. I don't think anyone will ever be able to tell me how the subconscious mind works- and if they try they are most likely full of shit.
But what I find interesting about this...whatever it was... is that not too long ago this wouldn't have happened. I feel (perhaps incorrectly) that getting older has mellowed out my brain. In a good way. Less drama and more... sureness? I don't know the words.
Never mind. It sounds ridiculous. I think its true, but it does sound ridiculous
With all of that out of the way, I give my highest possible musical recommendation to an odd choice- Springsteen's The Seeger Sessions.
I thought I was too cool for Springsteen. But I'm not. It's distilled American music. I can't describe it any better. It's wonderful.
of TEXTBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING in PDF format or read online by *P.
6 years ago
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