
Chainsaws For Justice

I have a longish blog to write about jury duty. Perhaps this weekend.

In the meantime, I took advantage of getting out of there early today and continued with backyard jungle clearing. This time a new weapon enters the fray. A weapon that had I known before hand its power, it would have never been absent. That is the electric chainsaw bestowed upon me (with the instruction book so I don't chop my hands off) from my father. The Mitchell equivalent of Excalibur tore into the punji-esque tree trunks littering my backyard like a chef slicing celery. It's raw power was only stopped by the length of my cord, something that will be addressed.

After spending days of lopping and handsawing, the sheer brute force of a chainsaw is something beautiful to behold. As the sun went down I blindly thrashed through my yard, daring anything six inches or smaller in circumference to taunt me. My yard is now littered with corpses. It's truly a wonderful thing. My next hour or two into backyard fun will be removing them- which is always the boring part. Cutting stuff is fun. If you have the means, I highly suggest it.

To continue the mind-numbingly boring yard talk, I also used my free time to purchase a lawnmower. I'm looking forward to having one that actually cuts things up, bags them and also doesn't fill my yard with smoke. The previous mower actually caused one of my neighbors to come rushing out onto his deck. Kinda funny. He then went and shut all the windows facing my house. Wuss.

One might rightly ask where is all the video game talk? I bought Tiger Woods 08 and figured out how to listen to podcasts on my Xbox- the usual scenario since Saturday has been about 3 NPR/Giant Bomb/Major Nelson podcasts and a ton of simulated golf. And then I realize that its dark outside. It's fun, but we all know its just a stop gap til the end of this month when I will be swimming in Grand Theft Auto IV, just like every other dork you know.


Anonymous said...

heh. you said 'cord.'

Phil said...

I actually have a gas powered chainsaw now. But, I have no use for it at all. It leaked oil all over my lawnmower, and I was pissed.